Latest Publications
If you’re interested in following my completed research work, you’ll want to check this section out. This is where I periodically publish my Artificial Intelligence research work as I complete them.
What AI and Blockchain can do for Information Systems
What AI and Blockchain can do for Information Systems Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain within Information Systems TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS RESEARCH Abstract Introduction [...]
Policy Behind AI and Blockchain
Policy Behind AI and Blockchain AI and Blockchain on Business Policy and Law TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS RESEARCH Abstract Principles Behind AI in [...]
Fundamental Depths of Technology
Fundamental Depths of Technology Fundamentals Behind Level I, II and III Technology TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS RESEARCH Abstract Principles Behind Technology Levels FIGURE 1: Integrated System [...]
AI Child Develops Human Prejudice
AI Child Develops Human Prejudice Development of Early AI Systems Present Human-Inspired Bias TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS RESEARCH Abstract Principles Behind ML Bias in [...]
Why AI Is The Most Significant Human Breakthrough
Why AI Is The Most Significant Human Breakthrough Artificial Intelligence: Principles, Technologies, Breakthroughs, Impacts and Challenges TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS RESEARCH Abstract Principles [...]
Would you trust AI?
Would you trust AI? The Singularity (A.I.) Since the first humanoid species walked the earth, mankind has influenced plenty of changes that have sped up the [...]
In The Press
This is where you’ll find all my seminars, talks, conferences and general website news. Additionally, you’ll find an assortment of my Artificial Intelligence media content here
Blockchain – The Future of Money
Blockchain - The Future of Money [...]
Intelligent Agents in Autonomous Vehicles (AVs)
The Convergence of Artificial Intelligence into Vehicle [...]
Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in Information Systems
How Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain is [...]
IDEAS: AI, Data Science and Blockchain Conference
International Data Engineering And Science Association [...]
ML and AI with Google Cloud OnBoard
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence with [...]
AI Technology in Modern Society
Artificial Intelligence: Principles, Technologies, Breakthroughs, Impacts [...]
On-Going Research
This is all the A.I. work I’m currently researching. You might find some incomplete projects as I work to complete my research in each category. Bear with me as I endure my journey into creating Superintelligence a reality.
What AI and Blockchain can do for Information Systems
What AI and Blockchain can do for Information Systems Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain within Information Systems TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS RESEARCH Abstract Introduction [...]
Enhancing Supply Chain Management With AI and Blockchain
AI and Blockchain in Supply Chain Management AI and Blockchain in Supply Chain Management TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS RESEARCH Thesis FIGURE 01: Blockchain Becomes a [...]
The genetics of an influential monster, and Artificial Intelligence
The genetics of an influential monster, and Artificial Intelligence The Stereotype of a Frankenstein Science and the A.G.I. The idea of having a representation between different types [...]
An A.I. Rate of Growth Beyond Comprehension
An A.I. Rate of Growth Beyond Comprehension When Humanity Can't Keep Up The Exponential Rate of Artificial Intelligence focuses on the rapid growth of A.I. and [...]
Is our ultimate purpose for the betterment of society?
Consistent testing cannot fail Results are encouraging Aenean vitae neque est. Proin aliquam, lacus non ullamcorper elementum, diam eros faucibus orci, sed lobortis [...]
Discover The Future
“We live in an incredible time where advancements in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics allows me to design Artificial Intelligence so much more efficiently than I could have ever done during any previous generation.” – Albert Fattal, A.I. Researcher